June 27, 2007

Third Floor Balcony

I need to work on this, but here it is now.

I think I got too much detail. Makes it look like a miniature set or something.


Anonymous said...

I think this one is really pretty. I love it.

Penny said...

Its much better than I could do, perhaps not get over ambitious about too much detail but the clouds are great and over all it looks pretty good to me.

Keith said...

Penny, when I did this, I thought of you and thought that watercolor (which I've never tried) might be better and thought you, specifically, that I'd like to see you do this scene.

Anonymous said...

not sure if you got my first response but...very impressive pic ass o.

Keith said...

Larry, thanks. I actually haven't posted it, but I worked on this some more.

It looked too much like a miniature town waiting for Godzilla to smack it.