June 26, 2007

Third Floor

Called "The Aquarium". Got permission to paint from the third floor balcony, which is a private area.

Can't decide if I want to bring an 18x24, or an 8x11.

Taking Kim, Kaley and Kovi. Should be a fun evening.


Keith said...

Just back from the third floor. The painting is okay.

We called in advance and were instructed to speak with the manager. I really didn't want to draw attention walking with an easel and stuff.

Once I met with the hostess and explained, she looked at me and said real sour faced, "This sounds weird."

Should have given her the line, "Call me crazy."

But then the manager came and was very nice. Got the balcony to myself. I think the best part was listening to the children's screams of delight at the fountain in the center of the mall.

Will post the painting tomorrow.

Anonymous said...


Keith said...

Maybe I should explain that "xorosho" is Russian for "good". I read some of a Russian children's book to Kaley last night... and did a sketchy job translating.

Anonymous said...

That's neat! Which book?