July 23, 2007


I had a first today. I saw Kaley do the bottom right face and a pit of jealousy hit my stomach.

Something about the way she was freely experimenting, then quickly making the mouth into the curly cheeks.

I thought, I would have *never* done that... that's brilliant.

I'm not just saying that. I actually felt a twinge of something like, "But that's what I wanted to do... but why couldn't I do that? And now she's got a 32 year head start and gets to go through her creative season completely free... and who knows what she'll do... *I* want to do that. Dang it."

Obviously, along with the twinge of "Wah", I think, "Cool, yeah but I raised you, you little stinker. And I could whoop your butt in basketball."

BTW, I debated on whether "Jealous" or "Envious" was the more proper term.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sm sure the words you were looking for were "thrilled" and "proud". ;-) That is a pretty great face! Very creative.