July 3, 2007

Mars - Why?

Just woke up from a dream. The ISS was depressurizing uncontrollably and the astronauts were in a hurry with a plan to abort. This was all a replay of a tragedy I somehow knew about. They weren't going to make it. I woke in a panic watching them try to prepare for exit in these little escape pod things.

Reading the CAIB report today brought this dream on.

And then, of course, I start thinking about it... On the Columbia mission they were doing lots of experiments: growing tumors, photographing (for the first time ever) lightning sprites, viewing dust phenomena over different parts of the earth etc.

As exciting as going to Mars is, I can't help but think this is all testosterone, another American touchdown and spike of the football. It is like the gold rush never ended... and we just keep searching for peace... and can't find it... a restless nation... never satisfied... addicted to novelty... a teen among nations... flexing its muscles... thinking itself immortal. (I don't say that like I know what I'm talking about (no Garrison Kealer voice))

Oh well. I probably shouldn't write stuff when I wake up... Going to Mars, testosterone included, beats a lot of other alternatives. If you have to flex and you've got the bod, it beats a bar room brawl.

Maybe compost is the way.


Anonymous said...

I never thought about us as a teen! A male teen, of course - a female teen USA would just be worried about shopping and looks and dating and material things...no wait...

Connie said...

When I'm feeling the best about America, I think of it as a kind of crazy optimism, because we still believe that progress must always be good. Hollywood movies are renowned for their happy endings. We feel obligated to paint the most desperate tragedy as an inspiring tale of heroism and hope.
It is really sweet sometimes.
And sometimes it is just seems naive. Anyway, that's what this made me think of, not just testosterone.

Keith said...

Then there is that movie, "American Beauty".

Wow, am I not full of the bright side???