July 3, 2007

Peter Paul Rubens

There are no erasers with ink.

There are problems with this, but I'm happy with my progress. While drawing tonight, I really thought I might be able to give this a go.

Actually, I am giving it a go. I've just can't give it 100%. But maybe it is better that way.


Anonymous said...

Your faces have improved soooo much! This is really good.

Keith said...

Thanks. Still have a long ways to go. To not completely get frustrated on people, I kinda stay away from them for a while, then come back... working in rings...

Ultimately, I'd love to be able to do paint people fluidly.

It is amazing how difficult it is to do.

Like programming, there is immediate feedback from what you attempt and the result.

The level of problem solving is much the same. Since I haven't learned any technique, I've had to solve it all myself. I haven't learned technique, but I've read a lot about artists and the significance of what they were about for their time. It's really cool stuff.

It's extremely rewarding, especially when it touches somebody else.

Anonymous said...

I know - the arts can be so powerful. I understand the circular approach. I do most everything that way. :-)