August 2, 2007

Red Dud Square

What is up with Red Bud Circle?

Seems like some sort of EVIL has rooted itself.

Like things are just not right.

What has come of us?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Keith said...

It just seemed a bit gray yesterday. Maybe it was all in my head.

Where's the wine?

Anonymous said...

What???? Evil on Redbud Circle? I need to know more!!!!!!!

Keith said...

I am not sure what I was thinking.

I think Kovi being sick made me feel like everything was all wrong.

Plus, it has rained and rained and rained.

Plus, my red maple in the backyard died.

Plus, there was some dead fish or dead squirrel smell coming from somewhere.

Plus, garage doors have been more closed than open.

And the news is all, as Marks says, "Death, Chaos And Destruction."