October 26, 2007

Blades Of Grass

Today, I saw grass
Every blade
I saw ends cut by the mower
Crisp tops
Three days old

Today, leaves wiggled in cadmium lemon
And manganese blue
Seed puffs
White with a light mix of cobalt violet
Dropped on sidewalks

Fresh sun
Slapped on the sides of houses
Thin bright edges
Along silhouettes
And tree trunks

If only...


Anonymous said...

If only others could see it? Would slow down to notice?
Is that the if only?

I love your poem. I'll write one back.

Anonymous said...

"Mama, SIT."
Sit and watch me play with my train.
Sit and count with me as I jump on the mattress.
One two three...SIX!
Sit and be with me as I discover and explore and enjoy being new to this world and it's joys and mysteries.
Sit and hold me so the monsters and the unknowns and the scary noises
Won't get me.
Sit and be with me.
I won't be this little long.
Mama, SIT!

Keith said...

If only I would sit :)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I preesure you to move...
What am I looking for?
Somewhere more "homey"? More beautiful?
For tonight at least, while I am in Austin, League City seems homey enough. Our friends (and now some family) are there. We have watched Kaley grow up there. We have walked those trails and played at those parks and visited those museums and splashed at Kemah and Galveston and Surfside and our pool and it is home to us. So I will follow you anywhere, but will not lead you away. I am happy to be with my family and good friends in our home in Countryside North.

Anonymous said...

Besides, Mars is waiting! Better stay at NASA and be a part of it!

Keith said...

The "if only" meant a couple things, but mainly "if only I could paint what I just wrote".

Living here is great, really. We just need to have things a bit more nailed down so my mind can rest that we are saving a bit for this and that.

We are growing roots. And that has been intentional on my part.

Need to talk some about the in-home funeral thing. I don't want to be on some preacher's palm pilot for "a two o'clocker". That isn't going to happen.