November 24, 2007

The Theory Of General Generativity

Erik Erickson divided life into a few stages. Think the following is pretty descriptive of where I'm at, which I'm not exactly thrilled with. Looking forward to the next one where you sit back and actually feel decent about what you've done. That'd be fun. Sit on the dang rocking chair! This explains my need to paint, start a company, desire to be in "community" and all that... even this stupid blog for goodness sakes! I'm looking forward to the day when I don't want to blog. This is all part of "generativity". I've always been generating... and for the past couple years it has just about gotten ridiculous during my "ego development outcome". I could have used a little "stagnation" during this crucial phase in my life. No! No! Create!!!

No, but wait... this stupid stage might last until I'm 65... that is 25 more years of this nonsense... Somewhere, when Kaley & Kovi jump the roost is when the REAL mid-life crisis hits. Now that's gonna suck... if "generativity" doesn't kill me first.

Middle Adulthood: 35 to 55 or 65
Ego Development Outcome: Generativity vs. Self absorption or Stagnation
Basic Strengths: Production and Care

Now work is most crucial. Erikson observed that middle-age is when we tend to be occupied with creative and meaningful work and with issues surrounding our family. Also, middle adulthood is when we can expect to "be in charge," the role we've longer envied.

The significant task is to perpetuate culture and transmit values of the culture through the family (taming the kids) and working to establish a stable environment. Strength comes through care of others and production of something that contributes to the betterment of society, which Erikson calls generativity, so when we're in this stage we often fear inactivity and meaninglessness.

As our children leave home, or our relationships or goals change, we may be faced with major life changes—the mid-life crisis—and struggle with finding new meanings and purposes. If we don't get through this stage successfully, we can become self-absorbed and stagnate.

Significant relationships are within the workplace, the community and the family.


Anonymous said...

I guess the mistresses and red sports cars are for the guy who accidentally becomes self-absorbed.

Keith said...

Little Red Corvette!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if having kids when in our late thirties will keep us young for a while...