November 19, 2007

Inside The Third Reich - Finished

What an account that was.

In his concluding thoughts, I think Speer thought new technologies and direct communications (including propaganda) from an authoritarian regime made this insane rise to power possible.

I had thought Hitler must have been completely maniacal, paranoid, ruthless, power hungry and the like to gain such control. While this is somewhat (or entirely) true, I think his idealism, pride, sense of honor, loyalty, charisma and passion played more. In the end, he was more to be pitied, at least what I got from this perspective. That isn't to say Speer didn't slam Hitler, but you got the feeling Hitler was like a good dog (German Shepherd) gone rabid.

Or maybe Speer just could never get over his own personal fascination with Hitler... how such a spell could be cast over himself... to commit, overlook, co-author... such atrocities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. How fascinating to get a glimpse inside. The comment on war being the problem, not it's methods is very interesting. War - what is it good for?