April 7, 2008

Me And My Charcoal

What a day! Met a dog named "Hitler". I thought that was a weird name. Turns out it was "Nibbler". Walked up the "Toys-R-Us" hill twice. At its steepest point, you feel like you weigh 8X your normal body weight. Maybe we should rename the hill "Jupiter Hill".

Drew three charcoals along the Green Belt. I setup my hammock. Don't ask me why, but I picked up a book on English grammar: the hard-core stuff - like when to use commas, dashes, semicolons, and colons. I'm horrible when it comes to that business. In between rules, I drew. I think I got one good drawing.

After that, I got tired. Normally, this makes me want to crawl in a hole. I stopped along Barton Creek and restacked some of those Zen stone piles that got knocked over. I was thinking, "Man, I was having so much fun, now I suppose I oughtta get on." But Austin, this great city, said to me, "You tired. Want to relax? That's what we do. Come on downtown." This city is *for* you. It's oozing that way. I can't explain it well. But this is important. This city is ready to let you hang out. It's inviting. The crosswalk signs downtown don't have the button to press. The crossways can't wait for you to show up so they can show their bright little walking man. And when they turn to the orange hand, they are joking with you, "Gotcha... nah just kidding... BLING!"

Ended up drawing outside at a pub called "HALCYON". A girl, Nabila (pronounced Nabeela), really like the drawing. Showed her the creek drawings. She said, "These could go for lots of money here. Can I buy one? How much? Do you sell you drawings? Do you paint? I have a business..." I said, "I don't really sell them, I'll uhhh... give you one..." (Miss Martin - this is where Mark would kick me under the chair - twenty five bucks a pop!!! - come on!!! - This is America!!!)

Anyhow, better not type anymore. I'll fix my grammar some other day.

But one correction: Yesterday I said "Beautiful" by Radiohead. I meant "In Rainbows". BTW, this'll be my CD for the year for the EDGE lab's New Year's resolution.


Anonymous said...

I love reading your stories! They are really fun - like NPR stories - but I know the author!

You are making me want to pack up and move to Austin. :-)

I am enjoying Kaley and Kovi 95% of the time. :-) (That 5% would include the experience of Kovi throwing a tantrum and hitting me at the grocery store. Where is Supernanny when you need her???) Kaley has seemed to pass her critical phase and is just enjoying being a kid. I think the company she keeps makes a real difference in her attitude. Kovi rode his tricycle today and actually pedalled a bit! (He can finally reach the pedals.) I put a helmet on him and he was so cute with that big helmet and that little body.

Well, I love and miss you. I guess this was more like an email. Feel free to delete it after you read it. Love, Me

Frankie said...

neat... looking forward to hearing that CD

Keith said...

Kim - I may stay in Austin until Kovi turns 9. Is that too long? He does sound cute in that helmet. What a dude!

Frankie - I think you'll like this CD. I had you in mind when I got it. It is a bit subdued, kinda like A Perfect Circle (???).

On a wireless keyboard, in a totally different position. Still, no typing! Have a Trick "Tech. Disclosure" to look over, then back to the wild.

Anonymous said...

If you stay in Austin too long, we'll just come join you! :-)

Keith said...

Maybe we can just meet in Columbus :P