I wish I could show the x-ray of my crooked back. It's kinda cool. My neck doesn't curve like a 'C'. I looks like an "I". That's not good. So my neck is straight, but it isn't supposed to be and my back is crooked when it should be straight (that's half joking because I am mixing side and frontal views...)
They are going to send me to do some blood work to see about some kinda ruematism. I pretty much hurt underneath... everywhere subsurface...
The lady who does the massages gave me a piece of paper with a guy in frontal, back and side views. She asked me to pencil the areas that hurt. I was trying to not do this, but pretty much colored the whole thing in! I was saying, "Well, here..." and pencil ... "and here"... pencil, pencil "and I know this seems ridiculous but here too"... scratch scratch "to be honest... this hurts here"... "I mean today, well it's this ankle and the tendon too... but that shouldn't count too much because I played soccer"...scratch "well is that good enough, I mean I hurt all over"... "I mean can you just work... I suppose my arms are the most important because that is my job..." Really... she just couldn't miss... and all that trying to decide what hurt cut into the massage time which I'm thinking she should do on the side because I'd pay her $250 per hour... I'd mortgage the house... sell JR!
Then came my first "adjustment". I'd like to blog about this when I have more time. Need to get off the computer. Let's just say, "Hiya!!!"
I always called chiropractors chiroquackers. Maybe this will prove me wrong. I have been proven wrong about many things in the past few years, so what is one more?
I had noticed when you were a teen that you had some sort of a spinal problem. I really saw it in your chest, which was uneven. I really think you have inherited my “problem,” whatever that might be.
Yeah, I remember x-rays of my back and remember they thought about putting me in a brace or something. Also know that when lifting weights I couldn't get my chest even like all the other guys...
I may have the "problem". My current thinking is that there is no silver bullet... but I'm hopeful for some progress.
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