November 28, 2008

Thanks, Poker, Pinkies, Dogs, Granite And Charcoal

Thanksgiving in Seguin at Scotty's. Kovi was terrified of Ginger. Ginger is a tiny dog that plays fetch. Played two-table poker. Mid-game found out that Kaley was going to ER since she somehow got her pinky finger smashed in a weight machine. It's broke. Played on in poker. They split the pot when it's down to two. Made it there. So split pot which was $170 with $10 buyins. Today took Kovi and Kaley to Greenbelt. There are dogs down there. Kovi was petrified again. Had to come back to Mamaws. Kim was concerned about infection, frazzled from lack of sleep, surgery last week and hydro-codone withdrawal. Took Kaley to Enchanted Rock. Hiked over the dome and to the top of a couple climbs that I used to do. Kaley and I were sitting under a tree when a woodwind started playing and Kaley said, "Look at the two butterflies. They are flying to the music." Some hippie was playing, and I love her. Left there and stumbled on this huge rock that looked like the head of a sunning cat with a goatee. From there took Kaley to Hilltop Cafe. Was a good place to put the pinkie back on ice and eat grilled flounder on poker winnings. Last time I was there I left a drawing on the table. Found it on the wall this time :) And it goes on and on and on...

Run Forrest, run.


Anonymous said...

They say things happen in 3's. This week my nephew broke his thumb,
Jake's friend broke his arm, and now Kaley's finger! How bad is it?

Keith said...

The waitress at Hilltop Cafe said the same thing. So does this make 3? Are we done? I'm counting something like 57, maybe things come in 60s.

It's okay I guess. The tip has a compound fracture. It's her writing hand. It throbs, but I think the pain is getting better.

Keith said...

I told the waitress, so Kim had the operation, Kaley broke her finger... that's only two... should I stab myself with a fork and get it over with?

Anonymous said...

I sat down hard on the arm of the couch and can hardly ride a bike for how bad my tailbone is hurting. Does that count? I hope so, for your sake.

Keith said...

Sorry about your tailbone! I should have stabbed my hand with that fork earlier, sorry :(

Mark said...

Hmmm... sounds like I need to think carefully before going to a poker party with you :)
Maybe we should have a team-building retreat at Enchanted rock. I've never been. Is there any camping nearby?

Keith said...

Odd that you mention that. I was thinking about a programming/hiking/camping trip on the way back here.

Keith said...

Sorry, didn't answer the question. There is camping at Enchanted Rock.