September 11, 2009


Going to have to get a hotel room tonight in Amsterdam to make the plane on time. I have slept comfortably for two weeks in a sleeping bag and covers. I wish I could stay here one more night. Really don´t want to be in a hotel :(

I will be missing a concert which I somehow agreed to go to. I would have been backstage. The event was supposed to be some sorta "combination of art, poetry and music"... but turned out to be something of a KISS coverband... What planet am I on? Willie said we could go by train instead of car so we could drink more.

I will let some of my geekiness out here. When he mentioned art, poetry and music... and then later KISS... I honestly thought for a moment he must be talking about Keep It Simple Stupid - which actually made me extremely interested. That was the only connection I could draw until he went into makeup.

Suddenly, I am ready for "the routine"... and even wishing there was more routine to our homelife which is very very routine by Eindhoven standards. I think I even understand why some could ease into bureaucracy. A cog in the machine sounds like a humming, spinning, oiled little piece of ingenuity. There could be a nice comfy spot in the org chart. Oh man, but I remember there is work to be done - messy, iffy, complicated work. Why can't work be simple and orderly? How am I going to struggle 50 more weeks and not get so frazzled?


Kim said...

Good question. I do not know the answer to that one. However, we are sooooo ready for you to come home! And you don't have to work yet - it will be Saturday when you come! You can even go to the Art Museum on Sunday.

Kim said...

I miss you. Be safe. See you tomorrow!

Keith said...

Miss you too! We are the Vetter Family Unit :)