September 11, 2009


It's weird. Nobody is here. Connie is at school and Eric is going to a school reunion. There is something unsettling about seeing oneself out the door. There is no need to get to Amsterdam early. I'm in limbo. I´m completely packed. Sitting here.

It is like a building without an awning.

I wish I could walk out the door, say goodbye, hop on a train, then hop on a plane... I think I´m going to have to wait for Connie to get home so she can say goodbye.

Now that that is settled... might just go for a walk :)


Kim said...

Would you like for me to find you a good hotel in Amsterdam?

Keith said...

Hmmmm. I just went to the bus-train station to check into my options. Last direct is at 11:00pm... then at 4:00am (9:00¨pm your time) there is a bus hopper train deal. I'm thinking about staying up all night. Might be nice to have a room if they aren´t totally expensive.

Kim said...

Don't stay up all night! You will be just fine if you sleep tonight, then stay up a long time until bedtime tomorrow night here. But if you stay up all night, you will be all messed up. I'll look into rooms.

Kim said...

How expensive is totally expensive?

Kim said...

I am going to book a hotel room if you don't answer!

Kim said...

Well, i guess I will not book a hotel room unless you tell me to, because if I did and you didn't go - that would definitely be a waste! Let me know...Maybe if you stay up all nite, you can sleep on the plane....whatever you want to do....

Keith said...

Yeah... don´t book a hotel... yet. Can you find out how much a cheap hotel would be close to the airport?

Kim said...

i found one for 120 E. that seems to be the cheapest i can find.

Kaley said...

Poor you are you lonely??

Kim said...

We are leaving soon to go to your parents' house. i don't know if I will be able to use Memaw's computer. You want a hotel room? Can you decide now?

Keith said...

I´m doin' fine. Just had a great supper and conversation with Aunt Connie.

Keith said...

Think I´ll save the money. Thanks! Here's to staying up all night! Then flying all night! I can from planet Poongha... my name is Green Chicken Lips.

Kim said...

Okay. well, hopefully you can sleep on the airplane. Does Connie have any Benadryl or sleep medicine? I look forward to seeing my spaced-out green husband from planet Poongha. :-)

Kim said...

give connie my love!

Kaley said...


Connie said...

Oh man! Hi and much love to you guys too! I wish I could have gone to the show with Keith - if Beukorkest is as awesome as when I saw them last year he should be digging them right now! Miss you guys so much, but thanks for sharing Keith with us!
Sorry for using your blog (Keith) as a conduit for messages to yours!

Kim said...

Thanks for taking such good care of him, Connie! I love and miss you. Thanks and love to Eric, too!