September 4, 2009

Name That Band II

You´ll probably either know this or not know it.


Robert said...

It reminded me of some Pink Floyd album art...see here, but I don't know this one.

Robert said...

How about a hint?

Keith said...

Hmmmm... I need an ungooglable hint... I´ll see if I can summon such a hint! Google you will not thwart me.

Robert said...

How about year, genre, and contry of origin?

Keith said...

Album put out in 1981. They are British. Glamish Rock.

Robert said...

Def Leppard - High and Dry. I actually looked at some of their albums online earlier and somehow missed this one. The image was familiar, but I couldn't place it until you gave your hints. By the way, remember your 16th birthday part at Schlitterbahn? I seem to remember someone giving Pyromania to you there...I was impressed!

Keith said...

I don´t even remember that, Robert! I have this really fuzzy blank period from somewhere around 15 to 18.

Keith said...

This is kinda fun, maybe I´ll do another cover later.

Kim said...

guut idea