September 12, 2009

Show and Go

Didn't get a picture of the band playing. My camera was stashed in the sound engineer's booth and didn't want to bother him (Theo).

I don't know if I can explain what it was exactly: accordian, make up, reading, horns, hammers, using electronic toys on electric guitar, bubba teeth... it was something!

Anyhow, I'm back home! Very long trip.

So good to see family.

Well... I'm sleepy...


Anonymous said...

Glad you are back safe and sound! Daddy and I were talking today about how weird our world is...that our son was somewhere above the Atlantic Ocean at that time. Love, Mom

Keith said...

Thanks! You should have gone to the show... part of the stage was glowing globes... however that connects I'm not sure... but the show was out there...