September 11, 2009

Kiss II

Since I am staying up all night... I need something to do... so I´m going to Tilburg. This is not a KISS coverband. Found out that it is some jazz, poetry, music, rock, art collision thing. It must be good because Connie is so wanting to go... but can´t because of the thesis work.

Okay... I´m nuts.

Off to a train to Tilburg! Gotta be back before 4:00am when a bus takes me to Den Bosch etc... to Houston.


Kim said...

You are ending your trip with a bang! Be careful, my love. See you tomorrow! We will park and meet you by baggage claim. (I know you don't have any bags to claim, but just meet us there anyway! :-))

Diane said...

I am about to burst out crying just thinking about Kovie seeing his daddy at the airport. I know you all will be glad to be back together!

Kim said...

Thanks, Diane! We will!

Connie & Eric said...

Hey! We hope you made it home (are making it home? - time difference confusion!) safely! It was so great having you here!
Connie and Eric

Keith said...

It was a really good time for me. Thanks. May your thesis coherently condense.

Keith said...

Diane, after we got home, Kovi and I wrestled and played. Kim went to the store to grab a couple necessities. Kovi broke down, "Mama! I want my momma!"

Diane said...

He was probably afraid you guys were trading out and now Kim was going to be gone that long!

Keith said...

Poor guy has nerves like his daddy... now he has "separation anxiety"... :P

Kim said...

Yep. He said he wants to be sick all year so he never has to go to his preschool class at co-op. Tomorrow should be fun. :-(