October 22, 2009

Outline of Augustine Commission Report

  1. Introduction
  2. U.S. Human Spaceflight: Historical Review
  3. Goals and Future Destinations for Exploration
    1. Goals for Exploration
    2. Overview of Destinations and Approach
    3. Mars First
    4. Moon First
    5. The Flexible Path to Mars
    6. Summary of Strategies for Exploration
      Beyond Low-Earth Orbit
  4. Current Human Spaceflight Program
    1. The Space Shuttle
    2. The International Space Station
    3. The Constellation Program
  5. Launch to Low-Earth Orbit and Beyond
    1. Evaluation Methodology for Launch Vehicles
    2. Heavy Lift to Low-Earth Orbit and Beyond
    3. Crew Launch to Low-Earth Orbit
    4. Additional Issues in Launcher Selection
  6. Program Options and Evaluation
    1. Evaluation Criteria
    2. Key Decisions and Integrated Options
    3. Integrated Options Constrained to the FY 2010 Budget
    4. Moon First Integrated Options Fit to the Less-Constrained Budget
    5. Flexible Path Integrated Options Fit to the Less-Constrained Budget
    6. Comparisons Across Integrated Option
  7. Critical Technologies for Sustainable Exploration
    1. Fundamental Unknowns
    2. Propellant Storage and Transfer in Space
    3. In Situ Propellant Production and Transport
    4. Mars Orbit to Surface Transportation
    5. Advanced Space Propulsion
    6. Technology Summary
  8. Partnerships
    1. International Partnerships
    2. U.S. Intra-Government Partnerships
  9. Concluding Observations
    1. Establishing Goals
    2. Matching Resources and Goals
    3. NASA Management Challenges
    4. Systems Engineering
    5. Procuring Systems
    6. Managing the Balance of Human and Robotic Spaceflight
    7. Concluding Summary

1 comment:

Keith said...

Concluding Observations - Establish goals... Resources... Procurement... Managing... Challenges... Systems... Summary...