October 7, 2009

Smitten By Lara Logan

Just saw Lara Logan interviewed by Charlie Rose. I've never seen the combination of beauty and intellect and passion... and I was in love...

I told Kim... and she brought Lara up on google... Some guy divorced his wife for Lara in a "love triangle" and Kim said... and I quote, "That girl didn't have a chance --- ha ha ha."

She didn't did she, Kim. You're funny! Let's not have any more kids. Two is enough :)


Anonymous said...

Kim, if Keith's taste in women is what is displayed in her picture and Keith's description of her, that must make you Super-Dooper Woman! Keith, what in the world does this particular blog have to do with having more children??? Does this mean there is a possibility for me to have more grandchildren??? Mom V

Keith said...

At present, there is close to 0% chance of more grandchildren, at least from this side. In this reference to children can be interpreted as, "Kim, I'm looking forward to us getting old together, children gone... And laughing at the likes of Lara Logan, the woman who should be Queen of the Earth"