October 20, 2010

Annie Mansion Continued

Worked today for a few hours on "The Mansion".  Opened it up some.  Also began adding light and some of my "vibration".  I don't have enough time to go into too much decor, furniture etc.  I am concentrating on space.  I think that is what I'm concentrating on.

I tell you what, it's tiring.  It looks so simple now.  It is, actually.  But what a lot of finagling, changing, re-thinking, sitting back...

First show is this coming Friday.  Once this is done,  I'll need to hit the work pretty hard to catch up my hours.

Kaley and I are still doing math each morning.  Kaley sets her alarm at 6:30am.  She cleans her room, walks the J-Dog, feeds him... and then we start math.  Poor girl.  I wish she liked math.  She really doesn't.  Today, while painting the set, I put one of those funny theatre hats on and then tried on a couple wigs and thought, "Ah, I see.  *This* is fun."

1 comment:

Kim said...

No...she doesn't...but Kovi does! Yesterday he counted to 400 in Target. People were looking at him like, "Wow, that little kid is smart!" He looks younger than he is, so that adds to the impressiveness. :-) I am proud of Kaley for doing it anyway. I didn't like math in 6th grade, but I liked it more later. Maybe that will change for her, too.