October 28, 2010

Butterflies Die

I was watching Adam 12 with Kaley and heard wailing from Kovi from the bedroom.  I asked, "What's wrong?"  Kim said, "The butterflies are going to die".


We raised some caterpillars and watched them turn to chrysalises and today two butterflies emerged.

Kovi was screaming over and over again, "They're never coming back!  Never!  Never!  Never!  Never!  Ever!  Never!  Ever!  Never!  Ever!  Only a week.  Then they die.  Never coming back.  NEVER!  EVER!  EVER!"

I decided to blog this while listening to death metal.  I don't think death metal gets it.  They make death a monster with guttural screams, wailing guitars and a strong beat.

Death is something beautiful leaving and NEVER EVER COMING BACK.

I just dropped my head phones off and he's still wailing.  Head phones back on and these guys are screaming while a guy double basses faster than superman on a double dose of meth.

That isn't death.  That's trying to live.

Death is in one week when orange wings stop twittering.

Scream.  Twitter your wings.  Play your piano.  Amuse.

Life stops.


It just does.  I'm sorry.

Okay, he's asleep.

I like this double bass.

Rock on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: Kovi if you read this later... just go... go... I love you!  It's okay.  For real, no matter, I'm sure...  Go!  Go!  Go!  I love you!  I understand!  It's senseless, yet awesome!  Go!  See!  I love you!  No guarantees!  Can't promise anything.  That's just it.  See!  It's okay, I promise.  I love you!

PPS: I switched from that stupid death metal to real music... first song Silverchair - Tomorrow... you say that money is... you think you can go on living like a king....  you gonna... fat boy... fat boy... wait till tomorrow!!!

PPPS: I feel like painting!

PPPPS: You!!!! Wait till tomorrow!!!! Fat boy!!!! Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!  Wait till tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   You gonna wait!  Wait!  Fat boy!  You gonna wait till tomorrow!!!!

P5S: We just switched to Temple Of The Dog.  You gotta rest!  You gotta reach out!!!!  Toooooo The Promised Land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P6SS: Minutes later I'm still listening to Temple Of The Dog singing "TOOOOOOOOOO THE PROMISED LAND!!!!"   Dang.  It's freaking good.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I love you.