October 24, 2010

How The Magic Disappears

Tonight, after seeing Annie, I sensed some of the magic of the earlier shows had disappeared.  Maybe hearing Kaley say, "Such-n-such sucked." played into that.  Something didn't gel in the show.  It was kinda like my painting.  It had to be on these partitions... and it looked partitioned.  Choppy.


I worked with a group, once, that I thought gelled.  Actually, they told me there wasn't a gel, but I thought there was, and I looked up to them.

Like I said, they say it was always a mess.  Maybe so, but for some it was magic.  For me it was.

How does a team disintegrate into factions... into isolated bits and pieces?  Is it us against them being over, only us?  What is winning?  I don't think winning is involved.  It's the flow of the game.  It's the pass back and forth.  There's something fluid, catching --- something where you anticipate the other... and know each other... and know who you are with... the expectation... the fun... It's just on.  Everybody wants to pitch in.  There's nobody counting.  It's good to be going.  In sync.  You can finish the other's sentence... and hand over what's needed before anybody asks.  It's on.  There's a trust.  There's slams and jousts, but it's all understood to be in friendship.  And maybe the interactions show a reflection of yourself - and it's nice looking in the mirror.

It's not the case that it's a bunch of heroes - mostly, I'd say, sillies.

LinCom blew up like a Super Nova (do they blow up?)  Kurt Cobain shot himself.  Elvis got fat.  UT lost to Iowa today.  Kaley said, "Such and such sucks."  The church fell apart.

What is common there?  Hmmm.  Thinking....  I think people left.

I am missing out on getting to the point I wanted to make.  It was about "the magic".  I think I'm afraid Kaley has grown past the age of magic... or a new age where magic is more difficult to come by.

What is this "magic" I'm talking about???  It's seeing the ordinary extra-ordinarily - maybe.

But what does that have to do with success in the bizness universe?  Team work?  Football?  Theater.

Maybe it's theater I'm talking about.  Shakespeare said, "All the world is a stage." (right?)

It's what I want to share with people (not directly, but mutually).  It's a rare treat to not be caught in quantity, but quality - not the size of the number, but that numbers take on infinity... and can't be held.  And zero is infinity on it's head with just the same mystery as infinity itself... or even 2... or whichever number you pick.

It's that we're here spinning thru space - wonder of wonders.

It's the sensation I got when I saw a bunch of pink Spoonbills in the mud swishing their beaks for shrimp burrowed in the mud in an estuary.

Keep the magic coming... my antennae are up.

Swing that bat --- hit --- solid --- ball flying... it's out of there!

No - maybe not.  Maybe it is friendship.  Maybe that is what I'm talking about.


Kim said...

This is really that. - Rob Bell

Kim, we'd love to watch your kids on Saturday! - Patrick and Melissa

There is magic where I am. Messy, silly magic, sometimes...but the magic of friendship and community nonetheless.

By the way, your writing and thinking blow me away.

Kim said...

I know you fully and I like you anyway. - Jesus

Keith said...

I need a new post - How The Magic Reappears :-)

Kim said...

:-) Same magic, different bat channel...

Anonymous said...

I think the problem might be the play itself. I've tried to watch it before and just could hardly bear it. They can't all be great. That is why the reviews on Broadway can make or break a success. I appreciate your honesty! Please don't tell me that our little angel has some rust on her wings! Perhaps, she is a future play critic! Love, Mom V

Keith said...

The "Annie" in the show I saw was really good, IMO. She is the only person I've heard sing, "Tomorrow, tomorrow! I love ya tomorrow!" without making me want to stab myself in the jugular.