November 20, 2010

The Nerd

That's a real shot by Carlos.

Four guys and I in Myles' garage.  Played some darts.  They were going to see a fight at a local bar.

I dropped a shot glass that I didn't drink from.  It splattered on the floor.

Larry showed up with the boat.  Everybody is cool.

I declined to go to see the fight.  No arguments.  Relief.

I fish in ditches.  Probably 60 hours last week - alongside 50 hours of work.

Saw Harry Potter, The Deathly Hollows, with Kaley today.  Fun, but it kinda stresses me out that it's going so bad for the good guys.

I got lost trying to get to Tracy's house to pick up Kaley.  Is it "Lakeshore" or "Lakeside"???  Are there two "Lakesides"???

I knocked over the dartboard header with the Texans logo.  I put too much pressure when drawing with the chalk on the scoreboard.  It had been there ten years without a fall.  Tonight it fell on my head.

I let fish go.  I just fed the cat.  My dog is nervous.  My son was glad to say goodbye.

I loved watching LSU beat Ole Miss.

I drive a Honda Fit.  I work for NASA.

I recently began snoring.  My wife is happy to sleep away from me.  Although, she misses me.

I teach my daughter math.  She dislikes it.

I work for a degenerative bureaucracy.

I am smelling like the rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed.  I missed that :-(

I won at darts.  LOL!

I cooked a good hamburger.  I think hamburgers are my favorite food.

I drank from a different shot glass.  Just one.

You know, I do this on purpose.  It's funny.   I am always in my head.  Just like you said, Kim.

Go A&M!  Beat Nebraska!!!


Kim said...

Head Ideation
Sleep Deprivation
Family on Vacation
Dog Aggravation
Republican Nation

This is a short poem I wrote for you.

Keith said...

Grashius, Keem

Kim said...

You are velcome, Keees.

Robert said...

A&M did beat Nebraska. My sister-in-law gave me her ticket an hour before the game. It was amazing. The highest attendance of any college game in US history...greater than 90K.

Keith said...

Robert, Awesome!!! I cheered them on in my "man cave"!