November 21, 2010

Sick Of Cellphone Commercials

I am soooooo sick of cellphone commercials.

I'd like to bash a Droid (say it like a robot) - "droooooiid".

I'd like to monster slam an i-phone.

Shoot a Samsung.  Bust a Blackberry.

Never hear 3-G or 4-G ever again.

You aren't winning me over!  You are winning others, I know.  I am starting to miss diarrhea commercials.

Please find another way to market these wonderbar devices!

Whatever happened to just talking on a blankety-blank phone?!?!

I know.  I just need the Android app that eliminates the commercials.  I know.  I know!!!

If anything, I'll go for the Windows commercial - designed to get you "in and out and back to life".  I kinda like that.  Hmmm.  Windows.

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