November 21, 2010

Texans - Hit In The Stomach

Just lost to the Jets :-(

Another complete upset in the last seconds :-(

What I don't understand about men, as I'm not exactly one of them, why are they so happy when we lose?  It's always, "I told you, they are losers."  *They*, as it is said, always lose.  *We*, if we do, win.  Men, as I said, I'm not exactly male,  like to cheer for the "winners".  They get great joy out of *knowing* who is a winner and a loser... and choosing the winner and being right about that choice.  The choice about who is a winner makes them a winner - somehow.  Suppose it's why a bet is so manly - maybe even explains the popularity of the stock market.  Losers suck - plain and simple.  Losers suck.  Big fish - good.  Panfish - weenie.  Big truck - big.  Small truck - weenie.  Big motor - fast.  Efficient motor - weenie.  Loud - good.  Quiet - weenie.  Drive - man.  Walk - weenie.

It's what I dislike about Fantasy Football.  It disregards real *teams*.  Why do they call it fantasy?  I don't care how outta-date that is.  Screw the internet fantasy crap.  It's weenie.

*We*, The Texans, lost to the Jets today - Sunday, November 21, 2011.  I'm a Texan.  I'm a fan because I live here.

Is it a surprise we lost?  Is this exactly what you expected?  How right you were!  Good for you.  Go you.  Pat yourself on your back.  Or don't care.  Better yet, don't care.  Yeah.

What a kick in the groin.

Go Texans!!!  I'm a fan!!!  Keep trying!!!  I know.  That's gay.  Whatever.  We lost. One day, if we do win, I want to have stuck it out (forget anything about weenies here).  I love the Texans!

The Jets - weenies.  We lost to New York.  That's so weenie!!!  NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!  We had it!  Right there.

All this talk about weenies (sp?) has me thinking about hot dogs.


Kim said...


Keith said...

And then I watched Peyton Manning throw an interception in the last seconds... :-( For crying out loud! This is painful!!!

Keith said...

I know. Peyton Manning sucks! I know!!! Tom Brady. There's a man! A real man. I want to wear the same shorts he wears. What underwear does Brady wear? What phone does Brady use??? I wanna be a winner like Tom Brady.

Keith said...

The Giants -vs- The Eagles. Good game. I'm pulling for The Giants, but the Eagles probably deserve the win. 4 minutes. Giants have the ball. 24-17 Eagles winning at the moment.

Keith said...

Good grief. Eli Manning fumbles after running for a first down. Nobody even touched him. He just dropped it. Another freak accident. I think I am starting to hate football.