December 4, 2010

Random 433948934

Just keeping up with tha blog.

Dreamed last night I caught lots of flounder.  I caught a huge one.  There were so many they were like piranhas.  Larry thought we could catch some bigger flounder if we went south to that place... I can't remember the name... the place where everybody wades out too far and the tide ends up sweeping them out to sea.  You know, the place with the long toll bridge.  Errr.  Shoot!  Anyhow, once I got down there I couldn't seem to figure out how to assemble my fly rod.  I couldn't find the pieces.  There were credit card scanners in a shop at each rod.  A really pretty girl was fly fishing.  The dream got all choppy.  I remember holding a huge flounder.  We were trying to take a picture of me holding the flounder, a "southern flounder" (but no spots!) but the camera wouldn't work.

Went to the baseball field with Kovi and Kaley today.  Kovi hits the ball and runs all four bases and slides into home.  Think we will be playing t-ball soon.

I continue to work on "the man cave".  Using bandsaw to slice 2x4s into pieces that I'm staining and nailing to the walls.  Looks like a cabin in a way.  Happy there.  The UPS lady said, "I wanna play in your playhouse" when she dropped off a package last week.  Kim said, "It's peaceful in here."  Kat said the same.  Larry ate what he said was one of the best hamburgers ever there.  Mark gave me a license plate to hang up.  Bart found that my table saw needed a slight adjustment.  College football is on.  Erica said, "So, you're makin' a man cave, I see."

I'm hurtin' like Jeff Burton.  Hurt my stupid heel when doing that painting for Kaley's show.  I'm still limping.  I feel like my body attacks whatever is hurting like it's allergic to injury causing further injury.  This makes any oooops into a pain.  And pain all over.  All the time.  It makes me hurt and sad.

Kaley and I are now into "The Rockford Files".

I solved that "closest point to an ellipse" differently than the published way.  Think my way may be better.  I used a polar point with associated chord.  From the chord I use cross products and a bisection method to zip to the point.

Back to the man cave!


Robert said...

Please post a picture of the "man cave."

Keith said...

It's so unworthy of a picture as it really looks bad. I'm working on it. I realize when I said football was ON I musta meant OU vs Nebraska. I'm rooting for OU for no decent reason.

Diane said...

Where is man cave?
How is the kitchen coming along?
I always have dreams where I am trying to call a number in a hurry but can't hit the right button and have to keep starting over.

Keith said...

It's just in the garage. It's not really a man cave. It's kinda funny. Everybody has been calling it that. Diane, on the kitchen, I am going to get the sink in before Christmas. I don't know why, but I just can't seem to get my act together when it comes to that kitchen project. Everything else, I knock out. It's like I'm afraid I'm going to mess something up. And I dread doing anything.

Keith said...

Actually, I don't knock everything else out. I like to think that though.

Keith said...

Diane, I wish my dad would just come up and watch me work on it. I could finish it in a day.

Diane said...

You should ask your dad. It would probably really make him happy to know how you feel about his help!

Keith said...

I think he has too many people making him feel very wanted :-)