April 27, 2011

Columbo's Car

What kinda car is that?

I don't want to Google it.

I actually want it to be that mystery car that I wish
I knew what it was but can't because Google doesn't exist... and you don't know either and we all think it's cool that you can't Google it.

And you keep asking different people, "Remember Columbo?  What kinda car did he drive?"

I hate Google sometimes.


Robert said...

I googled it.

Keith said...

I just came up with a new saying, "Made you google it!"

Robert said...

I'm thinking about posting the car year, make, and model here, since you made me google it...

Keith said...

I'm sorry! But I am enjoying trying to get a clip where I see the 4-5 letters on the hood but just can't quite make it out. Ignorance is stimulating.

Keith said...

My dad and I had a conversation about this car. We got to bat back and forth what we thought the car might be.

Clue - on the hood there aren't letters... there are the numbers 405.

I'm afraid I might have to Google it... but I'm still going to have to ask Larry.

Robert said...

The numbers might be 403.

Keith said...

OKAY! Last night Columbo was on a case and was analyzing tire tracks. He said, "These tire tracks are narrow like a foreign car's tire tracks." He then said, "Like my car. Yeah my car is French. I've got a French car." Then it hit me... this is the mystery car.

Robert said...


Keith said...

I'm holding out, Robert. Last night Columbo was in Mexico with Ricardo Montebaun. He had a fender bender. His car is in the garage. Waiting for next hint.

Robert said...

As of last year, the manufacturer was the second largest carmaker based in Europe.

Keith said...

The French. Really? My dad mentioned Renault. Maybe I should find out if Renault is French.

Robert said...

The manufacturer of Colombo's car has never been heavily market in the US (at least in my lifetime). And I have only known of one person who had a car of this make.

Keith said...

So are you saying you know Columbo?

Robert said...

No,so I guess I "know of" 2 people who have a car of this make, but I only "know" 1 of them...and I really don't this person anymore, and really it was a person my dad new, and actually it was said person's daughter's car, I believe, back in the eighties. That's how obscure this brand is...at least for Seguin. But the name, I think, is well known. Once you figure it out, you will wonder why you didn't think of it within the first week.

Robert said...

Just read this on the manufacturer's web site:

X does not manufacture vehicles that conform to current United States regulations. For this reason it is unfortunately impossible for anyone to import a X model into the USA . Should anybody attempt to do so, the vehicle will be blocked at the port of arrival and will not be allowed to be operated in the USA and Canada. As of this date, X has no plan for resuming the sales of its vehicles in the USA or Canada.

Keith said...

Blogger tried to consider you a spammer again!

You have to love the French. They are such rebels.

So if I wanted to get a car like Columbo I'd have to go underground.t

Robert said...

23 mpg city, 27 mpg hwy
Tank capacity: 13.3 gal

Keith said...

Kaley and I just *ran* from Larry's house after Beefcake googled Columbo's car. Beefcake said, "I can tell you anything you want to know about Columbo's car." We ran with fingers in our ears... singing... la la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaa with 15 Natural Lights the last half of a 30 pack for a bbq party Sunday night.

Keith said...

Peugeot! Columbo identified his own car last night :-) Without Google Larry told me it was probably a Peugeot too.

Keith said...

Actually, and unfortunately, I think Larry thought it was a Peugeot, and confirmed it by somebody Googling it for him. When Columbo said, "That car? You mean the silver Peugeot?" I said, "Oh my gosh! Finally!" And Kaley said, "Awwwwwwwwwwww we shouldn't have asked Larry."

Keith said...

I tried to give Kaley a "High Five" and she couldn't bring herself to do it. I compromised! Columbo would never compromise! He would have solved the mystery! I got in the back door. Stab myself in the chest! ooo ooo ooo!

Robert said...

Now that you know, you should go to:

Keith said...

Cool! Thanks. btw, I do love the internet and Google.

Keith said...

Robert, I like this article so far because I think it's giving me what I wanted. It wasn't just a Peugeot - it was almost human - not just a googleable bit of info (I mean it was, but it wasn't). Having Columbo reveal it was necessary for some reason because I would have felt like I was doing some background check on him... for some numbers. Hard to explain.

Keith said...

Since Columbo was a detective, I took it as part of the show, more like part of Columbo's character, to figure out what that mysterious car was.

Keith said...

My mistake was that I allowed outside sources. I should have made it not only ungoogleable but unidentifiable outside the show - but I thought that might make it impossible.

Robert said...

If you get tired of the boat idea, you can restore a
Peugeot 403.

Keith said...

I'd loooooooooooove to own a Columbo Car... omg

Robert said...

R.I.P. Peter Falk

"Columbo" actor Peter Falk dead at 83

Keith said...

Thanks for posting the news, Robert. That makes me sad.