June 8, 2011

Book For Family

My dad is researching our family tree.  I've always said that this blog is meant to be for the future.  I am almost positive that one day one of my descendents, blessed be you!, will read this tale of how one old Vetter lived back in the day before cars got better gas mileage or sun mileage or what have you.  I named it kavetter.blogspot... so Kovi Andrew and Kaley Ann will hopefully add to it one day.  That's one reason I've kept away from facebook.  This record is intended to survive and live on.  I've named it "The Vetter Family" because I decided I can't really hold anything else permanent - like "Fly Fishing For Idiots" or "Painting In League City" or "Going To Mars!" or "Small Business Owner's Guide To The Galaxy".  I decided I wasn't going to try and be popular either which requires a lot of work and finding a niche.  I can even see posts from this blog at my funeral scrolling across a screen and people shrieking and crying their eyes out at my departure :-D

I began writing some software to turn the blog into a book but then decided to wait until somebody else did it.  And they did!

Here is a link: http://blogspot.sharedbook.com/blog2print/googleblogger/index.html

So, at some point, we can turn this into a little book in case I lose this site.  Yahoo managed to delete a couple years of posts from my blog there.  I'm still sick over that.

PS: One day somebody might pick up my homemade "fishnet shuttle" and know the story behind it.  That's cool.  I need to leave some mysteries behind... like a Columbo ;-)

PPS: One day, my great great great grandkid might *discover* through this blog that that boat, that handmade boat, was made by yours truly.  My trademark will be how crooked it is :-D


Anonymous said...

Daddy and I spent all day Monday researching government records and finding graves in Seguin. We solved a few mysteries of the past, too. We were living the life of Columbo! I am glad that your Daddy wants his ancestors remembered. Glad you are doing this! Mom V

Keith said...

So, am I a Mexican?

Anonymous said...

The most recent evidence in the mystery indicate that you are NOT Mexican! However, there are still a couple of pieces to the puzzle to find. Mom V

Keith said...

I somewhat disappointed. I was already starting to make jokes about being Mexican... now I have to go back to being the evil middle-aged white man.

Keith said...

Mexicans are cool.