June 24, 2011

Holding Both Posts

Since the family is gone I'm left to think and think and try and distract myself from myself.

I don't think I'm going to type as much as I want to because of my arms... but I've got some interesting ideas floating around.

Read an article, in a conservative magazine, about a guy that converted from the left to the right.  It was an interesting story.  Next article was about art.

I spoke with my next door neighbor yesterday.  He's really hoping to get a new heart but can't afford one - still he doesn't like Obama. I thought maybe "Obamacare" would be appealing.  It's not!  My other next door neighbor came over, I think just to talk about getting rid of Obama.  I think now that Kim, the one that stuck that stupid Obama bumper sticker on our car, is gone - people are trying to set me straight.  I even got a "National Review" magazine from my father in law!

I'm really trailing off here.  This wasn't about Obama... Where was I???  Oh yeah!  Holding Both Posts!

I just love Picasso AND Rembrandt!
I think I even like George Bush now!  AND Clinton!
I like being a self-made kinda guy AND community beer!

I'm really not liking Obama too much... which is sad...  I mean I actually do like him... AND I don't like him!

I'm like a total flip flop... but I'm not... I'm conscientious about what I think...

This post really went no where... well I'll hit "Publish Post" anyhow :-)


grumspse said...

I am so glad you did...it made me smile to read it! :)

Kim said...

That was me, not grumspse...grumspse was the verification code...guess I need to go to bed!

Keith said...

I thought that was a combo "GranC" and "Pop"

Kim said...

Makes sense. :)