June 12, 2011

Kaley Is Off To South Texas

I just dropped Kaley off for a trip down South, in the drug war infested South, to build homes for people who aren't the drug dealers.  It's going to be a whole week :(  No "Codumbo", as we affectionately call it :(  No baseball catch :( No joking together :( No hee haw :( No dancing :( No acting :( No singing :( No Twizzlers :(

The "mission trip leader" looked like he just got his driver's license a couple weeks ago.  He was swooshing his Bieber-do off his greenhorn head.

If anything happens to Kaley, I'm going to go off... and it won't be pretty.

BTW, I wish they would legalize drugs so I could see the look on the faces of those guys pushing this stuff up here.  Take the carpet out from under their feet.  Rip!  Don't smoke pot if you do.  Smoke Potpourri Cush!  It's legal and puts a dent in the marijuana trade!  It's a benefit to the environment.  Sustainable!  Synergistic!

Nail in some nails and get back, Kaley.  Godspeed!

PS: I am not a conspiracy type, at all, but I could believe that letting this POT-pourri go could have been planned.

PPS: I realize all this drug talk has nothing to do with anything... I'm just going to miss Kaley :(


Anonymous said...

Kaley's MeMaw and Paw are having a very difficult time praying correctly. What we should be praying is that God will work through her, to bring His love to those she is about to serve. We should be praying that Kaley will sense a great satisfaction in serving others as God's servant and ambassador, and that it will be a life-changing experience in her relationship with Jesus. However, all we can seem to muster up is a prayer for the Lord to send her back to us completely safe, healthy, and not touched by evil. We are praying a lot for His angels to guard over her. I hope my heart changes, so I can pray correctly! No granddaughter has ever been more loved than that girl!!! Love, Mom V

Keith said...

Well, she's called twice today. I think the gist of it is - "It's HOT down here. There's like one rusty basketball goal and a bunch of trailers."