June 12, 2011

Pot Pourri And Drug Legalization

In my last post I said:
BTW, I wish they would legalize drugs so I could see the look on the faces of those guys pushing this stuff up here.  Take the carpet out from under their feet.  Rip!  Don't smoke pot if you do.  Smoke Potpourri Cush!  It's legal and puts a dent in the marijuana trade!  It's a benefit to the environment.  Sustainable!  Synergistic!

I am not a conspiracy type, at all, but I could believe that letting this POT-pourri go could have been planned.
Those comments were made, off the cuff, out of parental passion.  I don't really know the long term consequences of legalization.  It might be more harmful.  Those words were for now, today - just for Kaley.  I want a safe world for her.  Drugs do scare me when it comes to her future... but not nearly as much as the thugs pushing it.  Would I be more scared of legal or illegal drugs for her future?  Right now I'd say - illegal, because if she did do drugs, I hope not, I'd rather not have some freak in a meth house cooking ammonia and who knows what else in his dirty vile rat infested roach eaten bedroom (or his loft in Westover Park).  And I don't see availability mattering too much as Kaley isn't popping a top or smoking in the house yet.  And I don't see legalizing as making it culturally acceptable as I've been to The Netherlands and pretty much think those "coffee shops" have the cultural acceptable-ness of a porn shop (something I'd like seen blown off the map with nuclear weapons (isn't this much more dehumanizing?)) here... well it's not that unacceptable... that was an exaggeration.

I usually don't say anything controversial on my blog... because I hate arguing over stuff too much.  I don't like making people mad either.  I don't like to be in the corner of a ring.  I don't have a corner, a little nugget I'm trying to protect (except Kaley).  A change of mind isn't going to rattle me - it's going to make me happy.  I can find more holes in what I think than you can (and actually, I can find a hole in that - maybe you can find more holes in what I am saying than I can... and I'll take that recursion and thrive on it if it's helpful)  What I'm trying to say is that I just blurted that out --- but I wanted to preserve it because I meant it and I was even taken aback by my own thought.  I wouldn't have thought I'd think this way when I was younger - legalizing sounds totally backwards, but suddenly I'm like, "Sock it to those guys!  My girl isn't going that way anyhow!"

PS: Anybody up for some Cush? My girl is gone so now I can *finally* get high :-)

PPS: I find it funny how I throw up a circularly logical/illogical guard against any attack on any opinion I have.  That's probably a personality flaw of some sort.  I think arguing or discussions make me feel claustrophobic.  It could have been braindead meetings at NASA or the Presbyterian Church that drove me into my cell-phoneless/meetinglessness/no-fishing-boat hole (well it's not really a hole).

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