June 13, 2011

Kovi's First Day To Surf

This isn't the surfboard. Kovi surfed on my 9'2" Donald Takayama for the first time.  The guy took it down the line and surfed a good 40 yards on one of several waves.

This all started with him showing up outside "my office" with the question, "Dad, could you please go with us to Moody Gardens?"  That turned into his first surf trip.

What's funny is that I feel more of a responsibility for doing something like that than working.  I'll say, "Buddy, I gotta work." --- but I hear his little voice and know how much more this will mean to him than what I'm doing.  Actually it's not that, it's how small the voice is... and he just wants me to be there. He's not whining.  He's just a little guy!  The dude!

I know that work is necessary and paves the way for times like this. I know it's cliche to invest in moments like that rather than "the office".

Seeing Kovi swooshing down a wave and riding it... Will I ever look back on this day and think anything but how glad I am I took advantage of surfing at the beach?

Now I'm getting reports of Kaley painting houses down south... and how good it's going.

PS: Kovi really surfed well.  I got goosebumps.  One lady cheered for him.  People were smiling and pointing.  Heard another couple say, "Look at'm go.  All the way."

PPS: Kovi said this was "the greatest experience" he has ever had.

PPPS: All that said, I am tired now.  It's tiring!

PPPPS: I had a yet smaller voice tell me that this was where I was to be today.  Then the lady, who cheered for Kovi, told me, "Good job."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PPPPSSSS... then I said... look at my son go! He is the Dad I brought him up to be! Look at him! Has his priorities right! Look at how his children are turning out! Look at that wife he picked out! Go son go!!! Love, Mom V