June 6, 2011

Looking Back Four Years Ago

Good post Keith - I like it!

I really want to rebel against that in some way... but I see no way around it.

Dude!  I'm one of those shad!  A billion little fish swimming in the current.  A fishy!

Say this in slowwwwwwwwwwwww motion... screwed and chopped -  "Iiiiiiiiiiiiii caaaaaaaaaaaaaan dooooooooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit"... bzzt bzzt bzzt

It's like that last album by Radiohead - singing about fishies.

But at least I'm laughing.  I mean it's okay and horrifying... but I'm sticking my head into the fan, you know.  I hooked an alligator gar today!  My line zipped out to the deep water and I didn't know what I had.  And no joke, I false hooked a shad.  Like the Beastie Boys said:
I got my boy Mike D. -
I got the King Adrock
I got the jammy with the ammo
Inside my sock
I shot homeboy but the bullet was a dud
So I reached in the Miller cooler -
Grabbed a cool Bud
Four years with 22 to go!  Bzzt bzzt buzzt!

My dog will never understand that that isn't a pack of wolves out there - it's just the Firehouse and the sirens on the #5.

1 comment:

Kim said...

It was funny to hear both of you howling with the siren last night. He thinks you are a wolf, too.