June 12, 2011

Net, Knots And Old Friends

More practice.  Mesh size is ~3.14 inches.  It's not perfect,  I don't have a rhythm, but I'm getting better.  This net should hold the baseballs that Kaley and I play catch with.  Ironically, with all my drug talk (in the last couple posts), the string I use is made from marijuana - hemp.

Called and old friend from high school today.  I am making plans a few months in advance for the trip - which is uncharacteristic of me.  Looks like it's a go.

I am about to see how this net hangs on the loop.  If it works, I am going to figure out how to make a tighter mesh for a fishnet.

I already see a rainbow trout in my homemade net.  Once I see it, I look forward to it.

PS: there were thoughts when I made this picture of me being caught in a net... I won't go into it... but wheels are turning :-)


Frankie said...

thought of you when i saw this... involved both nets and art:


Keith said...

Thanks, Frankie. I will watch it tomorrow morning. Thanks, again.

Keith said...

BTW, when I wrote the drug legalization post, I had you in mind. It's good to know you... I'd say you'd be the one in that post who put a hole in my assumption. That goo!