June 30, 2011

Square Clamped

Well it isn't perfect but it's clamped and the epoxy is drying.  I'll oil it tomorrow.


Kim said...

So how will this be part of the boat-building? Sorry - I am not sure the exact connection...

Keith said...

For lofting the boat... and actually the "lifting, lofting" in that poem is the "lofting" i was talkin' about

Keith said...

"lofting" a boat is when you layout the lines... because in the olden days they would have a "loft" which was a special place for laying out the boat. The square will be used to mark points...

Keith said...

I mean they laid the lines out... like in the second story "loft"... I'm sleepy, probably not making sense.

Kim said...

So the square is a tool to lay out the boat boards at the right angle...?

Keith said...

Kinda. See the picture here... I have to some lines like those.

Kim said...
