August 8, 2011

Circle Saw

Speaking of circles, just got a call from Circle Saw out on Ella and 610 - They fixed my motor for my table saw!  Only $63!

It must be my birthday!

Post Note: The guys at circle saw are professional servicemen.  They all look like they've been there since 1952.  They are friendly but you can tell they service professional companies not walk-in guys like me.  It's a *real* shop and they aren't hurting for business.  I found myself envious again.


Robert said...

Happy birthday Keith!

Keith said...

Thanks, Robert! Maybe I'll try and reinstall the motor on the table saw tonight. I got a toggle switch for it too. See if I can rig that up. I'm tired though. The cat, yesh the cat, woke me up again at 4:30am. I just love the cat.