August 7, 2011

One More Sentence

So I tried
To add
One more

Here it is

Maybe more of
a paragraph

There was a man
With Gold Teeth
On Sky Line Drive
Told me that I'd
Have to pay
Told me to go
Up to the dike
And get a ticket

It's Sunday
Sun about to set
I said
"When are you leaving?"
"I came here to fish"
"While the sun set"
"I'm not paying"

He chuckled
"About 30 minutes"

I said
"Is it okay if I"
"Fish in that ditch"
"For 30 minutes"
"Until you leave?

He said
"You can do that"

So I fly fished
In the ditch
Close to a sign
That said

After about 17 minutes
When the sun was
He was up there
talking to a guy

I came up
from the ditch
Up from under the bridge actually

He looked at me
Where'd you come from?
I'm sure he'd forgot already

I said, reminding him,
"Can I fish now?"

He said
"Aww, sure"
"Crank'r up"
"And move along"

The sun was a hemisphere
And quickly disappearing
Smashing Pumpkins came on
I put the pedal to the metal
Ran it up to 85 in the 30
I was 55 mph above the speed limit
I watched the sun's last bit of ball drop

Ran with my surfboard
And crossed the channel
Jelly fish got my arm

I cast and cast
No bites
But I didn't come here
To catch
A fish

I came
So I could be here

Mostly I thought about
Richard's heart pump
And kept thinking
That I'd live today
Like it was my last
I mean actually
I didn't think I'd live it
Like my last
I thought I'd give it
An extra push
And I did for about 10 minutes!
And I'd fight like Rocky Balboa!
And I'd tell a story

At least there were cows LOL!

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