October 27, 2011

15/52 Jurors Didn't Show Up

I have to go back to Galveston at 1:30pm because 15 out of 52 jurors did not show up for the jury selection.  The court is going to try and round these slackers up.  I wish they would fine them $500 apiece then give the 37 that did show the 15*$500 = $7500.  That would be $200.  Maybe the 37 could band together and sue the 15.  This would form another jury selection of which we could sue more... and pretty soon we'd have every slacker in Galveston County behind bars.  To speed up the process, each of the 37 would individually sue to create 37 cases then 37*37, 37*37*37 etc.  At that rate we'd have 1,874,161 cases in 4 goes more than covering the population in the county,  291,309.  However, I suppose there'd be more people suing than those being sued... so I suppose that wouldn't work too well.  We could bring in other counties!

1 comment:

Kim said...

You crack me up! :)