November 8, 2011

The Farmer In The Dell

Here's a ride in the Vetter Head Cockpit.

Uh oh.  What time is it?  I feel awake. The cat is scraping in her litterbox. That's a 4:00am thing. I hate the time change.  I always end up burning both ends of the candle.

The farmer in the dell.
The farmer in the dell!
High ho the merry go!
The farmer in the dell!
Sit Ubu!  Sit!  Good dog.

Oh no.  Why is "The farmer in the dell"
In my head?
Sit Ubu!  Sit!

Why is the theme song to Taxi in my head? What show ended with "Sit Ubu, sit, good dog?" Doo doo dooo.


Why Norman!  I oughtta wham!  Right in the kisser!

The farmer in the dell!
The farmer in the dell!
High ho the merry go!
The farmer in the dell!

I hope it's not 3:00am.  Stupid cat.

Then I go into a long ping/pong talk about a work issue.  Should I get in the loop? Maybe I should write a book called "Off The Grid, Out Of The Loop" Or just "Out Of The Loop"

I wonder if getting chickens would work.

If I got back in the loop maybe I could sign a document that I promise not to grow my little company so I could get involved without people thinking I was just there to snag their employees.  They wouldn't think that anyway... but I might think they think that. But then that'd make others feel uncomfortable that I'm thinking that way. So I'll just shut up.  I mean maybe I should try to grow a bit.

Am I just holing up?  I miss Alex.

But wait, really it's my arms.  I'm working at home because of my arms. And because I'm productive using Qt.  But nobody uses Qt.  And they never will.  How productive can I be if nobody uses what I use? Is out of the loop - useless?

Sit Ubu!  The farmer in the dell!...

This work issue.  Hmmmm.  I wonder if... (this goes on and on)

That new robot.  It's like a bunch of pipes.  It's got nothing classic about it.  It's actually scary.

Does a Ferrari have a horse or a lion for an emblem?  I gotta look that up.

The Farmer In The Dell!  The Farmer In The Dell!

I wonder if the smashed pumpkin will decompose in the compost bin.

Why did Kim dye her hair purple?  I shoulda told her I liked her hair more before it turned purple.  And it's not just the purple, it's the V thing that they did.  What was that???  If she combs it to the side it's going to fall back to the V thing.  Goh!  And it's because I took that picture and she was perusing the blog and saw that picture of herself with the sweet potatoes.  I should be more careful.  I hate pictures of myself.  I should not take pictures of adults.

Is political the answer or technical the answer???  I always want to solve things technically, but look I'm holed up and off the map.  Am I just holed up because I wanna be off the map???  Do I like this???  I do like fishing midday.  I just don't fit... but I should.  I'm really better at what I do now and think people could use me.  I don't think they know that.  But I wonder if there'd be all those brain-dead meetings.  I lost the power to change anything more than myself.

Then drawing comes in... the classics...

If it weren't for that cat and that litterbox.  I've got to fix this door.

That medicine I used to take really stopped all this chatter but I hated getting fat.  I'd rather hear this stuff than eat all the time... and suffer the zaps after stopping the medicine after hitting that i'm-too-fat tipping point.  I'm like that Blue October guy with all those meds.  Freaking crazy.

I wish I could have slept more.  There's that weird orange glow out there.  No twilight. It's early.  I hate that orange glow, I wish it got dark.

Sit Ubu!  Sit! Good dog.

PS: I'm not joking - the cat is scratching in her litterbox again.  She poops like a cow.

1 comment:

Keith said...

For the record, Kim and Kaley have both been sick... when I posted this I think I was fighting off something. Normal people have colds... I lose my mind.