January 16, 2010

Idea Birth Pains

Last week I got so flustered.  I am starting to realize something.  Whenever there is an idea which is just out of arms reach, I just about go stark raving mad.  The pieces are all kinked and outofwhack and nothing seems to fit... and there is this notion of rehashing, circles and loops... and you know there is a way out... if only it will just go *ding!*.  The worst part is that I don't associate the madness with the stretching for what ever it is I am trying to think of.  I end up angry with the most unlikely things.  Honestly, I am still not sure if that is it, but it seems to be a pattern... because when I "figure it out", all seems calm with the world.


Kim said...

Sounds right to me.

Keith said...

Actually, it turns out, the whole family was fighting some stomach virus bug that week... and so I find what really is driving me mad is viri.