April 10, 2011

Dreams And Programming Monday

The last couple dreams I've had:
  1. I was going to eat oatmeal.  The oatmeal was in a bag.  In the bag was a huge centipede mixed in the oatmeal.  It was crawling and trying to wriggle itself out of the bag.  Then I saw a snake head which was mysteriously triangular.
  2. I was under a car.  I think I was changing out the alternator.  I looked up and there were spiders.  I couldn't scoot myself out.  They were crawling all over me.  I jumped out of bed and was brushing them off.
I need a happy dream --- like surfing in Hawaii... one where I can actually find my surfboard.  Normally, in my surfing dreams, I can't find my surfboard.


Tomorrow is Monday.  I get to be strapped to my chair for a little of the ole voice recognition.  A little Alpha, Beta, Charlie.  Keep my eyes open so I can do a little of the old programmin.  Ain't that right, Georgie Boy.

No, I'm not looking forward to it - at all, but that doesn't mean it won't be fine.  It's hit or miss.

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