July 18, 2011

Wood Bending Jig

Just finished this jig.
Made it from neighbor's throw away wood
and an old wheel off of Kovi's Plasma Car.

I need to make a steambox for bending wood.

PS: I had a semi-frustrating day with my work
When I say, "I had a frustrating day", I don't mean
Jo Shmo was irritating - I mean that the problem I was working on was difficult and I didn't solve it like I wanted to.

I think I have this complex where I want to show people I'm doing something - like building a boat! - because I can't explain to anybody, except Mark, thank goodness for Mark!, what the heck I'm doing at work.

I realize I get really really really boiling over angry, over time, like a wood steam box, when somebody, I will not name names, suggests that I'm a hyper goof off.  And that whole, "He's brainy but no common sense" --- I'd like to beat that sentence 2^32 times with a 2^4 lb sledgehammer then shoot it with a sawed-off 2^1 barrel shotgun over and over again until the pixels in that 2^0 sentence are disintegrated into hell!  Ah, it felt good saying that :-)


Keith said...

I also see this pattern throughout my blog. When I'm having trouble with a work problem (I call these problems "puzzles" when speaking with Kaley)I tend to lash out at everything.

I wish I could say I was solving a difficult problem... really it's not...

Stupid computers!!!!

Keith said...

I build a jig like this and go, "Maybe I'm not an idiot." That's what these puzzles do to you. They are like the Chucky-Cheese deal where you hit one head down and another pops up --- all day long!

Kim said...

Sorry. Glad you had another breakthrough today. Keep fighting! (But watch your blood pressure.) ;)

Keith said...

I think I was just afraid I was burrowing in a hole - but I wasn't. It's not really my blood pressure, it's my arms. I used to be able to work until I got it - now I have to force myself to wait. That's really frustrating... but in a way, good.

Keith said...

I noticed a couple hits on this... for the record this jig wasn't my idea.

Keith said...

I think the wheel part was my idea though...