August 13, 2011

Nada Mucho

Man, I don't have anything to blog about... or is it the following?

Well, I think I'm disturbed about that fly I made - the bead-headed soft hackle nymph thing.  Two times, the first I thought it was a fluke, the dang bluegill just about engulfed it.  I got the fly out but I don't know who it was more traumatizing for - me or the fish.  I like it when the hook is just in the lip and it's a quick pop and the fish is back to swimming.  I always debarb the hooks.  I think I'm going to try and make an "Adams" fly.  It's a dry fly.  I think the way the fish hits the dry fly it's different.  I really don't like hurting the fish.  That's what I kept thinking about this morning after waking up... that and work.

That reminds me, caught that kid with a fly fishing rod in my spot :-)

PS: had fun with dropping parachute people from the kite a couple days ago.  Have a good system for doing that.  Using #14 hooks.
PPS: it's a shame about that fly because I really like making that fly - there's something classic about it.


Kim said...

I love that you are the kind of man who doesn't want to hurt a fish. :)

Keith said...

Did you do this to me???