April 1, 2007

East Egg Hunt

We have taken the "hunt" out of the Easter Egg Hunt. I say we get the government to send a sizeable check to Hershey, Cadbury and whoever else... and just ask our children to open wide and pour in the goo.

I remember hunting for eggs when I was little and it was *exciting* to find something hidden in a crack, under a stump or behind a fence post....

What is this??!?!?!

It is the end of America! This is it!

The kids are even too tired to pick the rest up... It's all hot... As the kid said down at the pre-hunt wait, "Good Lord, get it on, already."


Anonymous said...

Yeh, My grampa used to hide the very treasured "silver dollar". Man...whoever found that had bragging rights for a year...and a whole freaking dollar which won't even buy half a Cadbury egg now!Ok I'm rambling, must be the beginning of my insomnia...thanks Keith.

Anonymous said...

Did I mention that we also had to walk 5 miles to school every day with no shoes...up hill both ways in the rain...dang these whipper-snappers are spoiled rotten

Keith said...

If anybody is rambling, that'd be me.

I remember finding a large-sized hollow chocolate bunny once.

I also remember waking up early Easter morning once (like this morning!) and looking out and seeing a cat walking around, and then wondered if it wasn't a bunny after all, but this cat.