August 9, 2007

Surprise Party

Kim threw me a surprise party yesterday.

Was really nice to see so many neighbors, coworkers, church friends and family.

Was fun to show the paintings.

I had forgotten about that domino set I made a while back. Frankie had remembered that, and wanted to see them. When I made that set, I had quit my job and had no idea what I was going to do. For a month, 28 days or so, I forced myself to make a domino. I hand carved a domino each day. That is all I did. Dang. I was down down down.

A word of advice for anybody that tries contacting old friends or family over the internet when you are really really down. Most likely, they aren't going to respond. My greatest solace at that time was reading biographies. And it is where I ran across a biography of Cezanne. Since then I read the letters of Van Gogh to his brother. As crazy as people thing Van Gogh was, I honestly think I understand. It is a short circuit. Like the wire is cut and everything is poured out and nothing comes back.

But anyways... it's all much better... Goodbye 39!


Penny said...

Well happy Birthday! 40's were the best, 50's not so bad after that it all comes too fast!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Keith! That's great pic of you and the family.


Keith said...

Thanks, Robert.

I was just about as flushed as my shirt (given to me by Connie).

Keith said...

BTW, Kaley and I may make it to Boerne tomorrow for Uncle Donald and Aunt Dorothy's 60th wedding anniversary.

I'm really tired right now, hope I'll feel up to it tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

We won't make it tomorrow, but it would be good to visit with y'all at some point.
