December 2, 2008

The Bath - Sketched

You can see the beginning coming together.

That was really fun for me to do. If you look at the full image, you'll see the looseness in brushstrokes and wipes. I've been waiting for that.

I did this on Linen (my second try). I put two or three coats of gesso on it, sanding in between.

I was interrupted by a roofer salesman while gesso-ing.


Anonymous said...

Looks good so far Keith...are you going to do a day to day blog for us so we can all see how it comes along? =) Hope Kailey's finger is doing okay.

Keith said...

That's a good idea. Tonight, I didn't paint.

Got a huge tree this evening.

I have been up since dark-thirty. Brain is screwed and chopped.

Keith said...

Kaley's finger is fine. We re-wrapped it this evening. We are supposed to go to the bone doc and spend more $$$, but really think it just needs to sit... and if it grows crooked... it'll heal... she'll have a story.

Anonymous said...

We are going to the bone doc.

I love the painting.

Keith said...

Like I was saying, we are going to the bone doc.

Anonymous said...

A huge Christmas Tree?

We put our tree up the other night, well decorated it Monday evening. Y'all should come take a look.

Good idea, a bone doctor. I think she would be upset when she got older if you let her finger just grow crooked! =)