September 29, 2009

MacDictate Review

I tried Apple's version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking. First of all, I really wanted it to work. Since OSX is UNIX based it fits into my development environment at work. So, I was biased, or at least hopeful, towards it working. That said, it did not work. In a nutshell, MacDictate is not even close to its Windows counterpart. I was going to make a list of deficiencies, but there are so many, it's just not there. Not even close. It's like the difference between Monet and Aunt Byrtle.

I should write another review of my Macintosh experience. I honestly don't understand the fascination with it. I really want to like it. I don't think there is a single thing that Ubuntu Linux doesn't work equally well or even better or even much better, except for the fast file system on Macintosh. It is almost embarrassing...

I only say this about Macintosh so that if you are a Macintosh fan, and disciple, you will see that I am biased. For the Macintosh lover, Mac Dictate may be the gold at the end of the rainbow... And I may be a deluded soul... In need of conversion.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE Mac & Cheese! Hater.

Anonymous said...

and Dignity

Kaley said...

There is no dignity with Dignity.