September 14, 2009


Kaley and I have been practicing soccer for the last two days. Today the sun was setting while we were playing soccer. Everything seemed just right, almost too right. I thanked God that I was out on the soccer field and not wasted away on drugs and alcohol. It could be me so easily. I sometimes think it was/is me and I'm getting my second chance. I'm so glad that sight hasn't been reduced to tunnel vision. So much of the time I feel like I will slip off - drown away. But somehow, my fears do not come. Time after time I slip out of death' s grip and end up in green fields and sunsets.


Kim said...

That is awesome. I had a similar feeling pushing Kovi on the swings last night. Our family is pretty great.

Robert said...

Thank God for (multiple) second chances.

Anonymous said...

As your parents, we thank God that our children recognize His presence, mercy, grace and the many blessings that He bestows. He has truly provided an abundant life, filled with love, children and hope. Mom & Dad