September 13, 2009

Von Abbe and Modern Art

I thought this was worth a post instead of a comment.

Got my wish of not exiting Eindhoven without "an awning". Connie made a fantastic supper, nice conversation...

We talked about modern art which stemmed from my visit to the Von Abbe. I had to have a common experience that novice modern art goers have - I would come to an installation and not know if a chair was a chair to sit on or if the chair was *a chair* (i.e. part of the installation). In one room there were lots of books on the wall, copy machine etc. I asked an attendant if I could read one of the books. He said, "That is the point! The whole room is art. If you wish, you can make a copy on the copy machine." To be honest, frankly honest, I got it! It was really thrilling... In fact the whole museum became something of a candy store.

Connie and I's discussion lead to a story of hers about her and her friends walking behind a curtain thinking it was part of "the installation". A guard had to peek in and pull them out. That was a funny story!!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Cool! That is a funny story! I laughed out loud.