October 3, 2009

Ignoring Friends On Facebook

I am not sure how reliable this is, but here is how I read how to ignore annoying friends without them knowing that you are ignoring them:

  1. Go to your Facebook Requests page and click the "Ignore All Invites from This Friend" next to any request from your friend who is annoying the heck out of you.
  2. Go to your Facebook Feeds page and include your annoying friend's name under "Less About These Friends" – your Facebook news feed won’t contain stories / updates about him/her anymore.
Anonymous, if you would like to test this, I can annoy you on Facebook. You can also just close the garage door. This is the accepted protocol.


Keith said...

Kim said she found a much easier way. Maybe she will comment here later.

Kim said...

If you click on the empty space next to a person's feed on your home page, you can click "hide" and it will hide their stuff.

Anonymous said...

But will they know if you click "Hide"? We need to do some testing..

Anonymous said...

Maybe we could install the "Garage Door Closed" option on FB?

Anonymous said...

"Barn door closed"?- Farmville